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Старі книги, мапи, метрики, генеалогічні джерела, генеалогія, Stare mapy, książki, metryki, monety, notatniki jako żródła genealogiczne
We invite you
on an exciting journey
the past of your ancestors!

Our researchers will help you to find the unknown pages of your ancestor's history.
Searches are mostly conducted in archives, museums and libraries, as well as via free and paid online resources.
In addition to the traditional archival research, we also go to your ancestor's places of residence, look for relatives and old residents, which allows you to find the living history of your family.

Our main specialization is the exploration of the Volyn history. Besides, we also conduct research in the archives of many other regions including Ukraine, Poland and Belarus.
Pricing depends on many factors. One of the main criteria is the number of archival documents processed during the search.


A sentimental journey is a great opportunity to get out of your habitual environment and begin own research for your identity, roots, origins and values. You can learn more about their history and culture, see places that your grandparents once saw.

During the trips we visit settlements where ancestors lived, cemeteries, museums, monuments of history and architecture of that time, sacred buildings, as well as try local cuisine.

The travel program is created individually for each client (group) on the basis of genealogical research or information provided by the client.

We conduct our trips in English, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian.

We offer an independent travel program as well.

Old photos Volyn Volynia Lutsk Luzk Старі фото волинських міст: Луцьк, Дубровиця та інших Stare zdjęcia z Wołynia: Łucka, Dąbrowicy, Gródka

We help to find roots, restore lost family contacts, open the places of residence, way of life, beliefs and culture of your ancestors, support your "time-travelings".

Additional Services:
Хрести на волинському цвинтарі. Krzyży na cmentarzu wołyńskim. Crosses on old volynian cementery

Grave Research

Grave identification. Assistance with the restoration of tombstones

Записи з метричної книги Akta z straej prawosłąwnej metryki old ortodox metric book

Translation  and decryption

Translation and decoding the old documents, letters, metric acts texts

Друкарня старі шрифти Люблін Stare szcionki Dom słów Lublin

and photo retouch

Creating family books, posters, postcards, retouching and coloring photos

Околиця села Зубильно Локачинський район Затурцівська ОТГ Okolica wsi Zubilne byłej gminy Szczurzyn powiatu łuckiego

Dzięki dokumentom odnalezionym przez Pana Artura w łuckim archiwum, udało mi się dołączyć do mego drzewa genealogicznego członków rodziny pochodzących z Wołynia. Dziękuję i polecam




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Estoy muy agradecida con esta pagina ya que en muy poco tiempo encontraron parte de mis familiares de parte de mi madre en ucrania ya que yo vivo en argentina y busque por ootros medios y sin respuesta hasta que me contacte con esta pagina con muy buenos resultados desde lla.

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Volyn oblast, Ukraine

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