Easter letter from Alexander Handshal [surname may have a grammar mistake] addressed to a family from the village of Svityaz near Shatsk. Volhynian shares Easter greetings, tells about his life and the lives of his friends while working in Germany, sends greetings to many of his relatives, friends, neighbors and acquaintances.
The letter is dated April 28, 1943, a few days after the "Orthodox" Easter has passed, which dates back to April 25 same year.

The text is published and translated from Ukrainian into English according to the original letter. Some parts of the letter were missed:
Day April [this word was written in Polish] 28, IV, 1943. Good day, my dear family with my heartfelt greetings to the annual feast of Easter. Christ is Risen, my dear family. I want to inform you that I am still alive and well, I received your postcard on Monday, April 26 at Easter, in which my mother's dream was written [...] I did not see and do not know [...] and what about Stepan, we are in the same room and at the same work together. I would like to inform you that in three whole days I received five potatoes [...].
This is my life, dear mother, I kiss you heartily and I ask you not to grieve for me, not only myself, but all people live like this. I inform you that I received a letter from Vlas on April 26. He wrote that he received a postcard from his father on April 18, 1943, tell them not to grieve over him, he is not hungry, and he writes that he walks around the garden well, not like us. Also, writes with a request to send the postcards to him. Vlas sends cordial greetings to his father and mother and brother Petro and all neighbors and acquaintances. Thanks to you, Petryk, I received the postcard that you wrote to my mother, but it's a pity that I cannnot send you some present, dear Petryk. But that's fine, everything is good, the most important everyone should be alive and well at home, that is the best in the world. Maybe someday we'll see each other, we need to be healthy [crossed out text]
And please send the postcards to Adam as well. I receive letters from: Vlas, Adam, Trochym, from Dybaliuk, from all the guys who know me. Well, stay healthy, wish you a Happy Easter and to live to the second festive period. I share my cordial greetings and also, Vlas and Adam, to our families, my dear mom, to you, Ivasyk, Kolia, Maksymko, Panasko, Marusia and Adam, alos, Fedor, Fedos's grandmother. Wlas sends greetings to father and mother, brother Petro and all the acquaintances. With the best wishes, your son Alexander!
We also add the first page of another postcard from Alexander to the family sent in June 1943. He probably got it after Easter, so he used it much later for regular correspondence.

This and many other letters from Volhyn Ostarbeiters are available in the "Volyn OST" category.