The history of the Nowiny colony dates back to a little later than the foundation of the Second Polish Republic and the beginning of the functioning of its administration in Volhynia. The Severynivka estate, in fact, a colony was established on these lands, belonged to the Cielecki family for several centuries. After the death of Marceli-Severyn Zaremba-Cielecki, his property, namely 620 tithes, passed to his heirs: Zdzisława-Wanda Jaraczewska, Jadwiga-Eleonora Zaremba-Benak, Helena Zaremba Cielecka and Wielosława-Maria Grąskiewicz. These names will be written to the history of the establishment of the colony of Nowiny.
Wielosława-Maria, one of the daughters of Marceli-Severyn and his wife Maria Kosińska (died before 1919), was born in Gostyn (Poland) in 1888, but spent her young years in Volhynia. She received a good education and worked as a bacteriologist in Warsaw, where she met her future husband, the artist Aleksandr Grąskiewicz (1879-1942). The couple married in 1919.
Probably, the young family lived in the capital for some time, but after all decided to put the estate and inherited land in order. The domestic policy strategy of the newly created state helped them. The Second Polish Republic supported the settlement of ethnic Poles in Volhynia, also, state institutions provided them with favorable loans, the war participants (so-called osadnicy wojskowi [military settlers]) were able to obtain land free of charge. And so, Mrs. Wielosława is already selling the first plot of land to the Ciszek family. The following year, 1923, two more families began to live here — the Bujaks and the Kollatorowiczs. Therefore, before the war, Nowiny had almost 15 families, including the founder, who moved home to Volhynia.
On the map, published in 1938, you can see 11 сourts that belonged to the Nowiny colony; their location is shown on a modern satellite image.

Unfortunately, as an independent unit, the colony did not survive the war. Very little is known about the fate of Nowiny residents, it is unknown how many of them remained alive. Some were forced to leave Volhynia because of their nationality. Today, the territory of the former colony is part of the village of Kukly, Manevychi region. The locals know almost nothing about this corner of the village. Call it Novyny. According to legend, "Polish houses" were dismantled for building materials after the war, and only later did the Kukly grow and covered the mentioned area as well. None of the houses got through the war.
Here is a list of residents of the Nowiny colony, compiled on the basis of voter lists from 1938 with some additions from various sources. The year of settlement of one or more family members is indicated in parentheses.
Grąskiewicz Wielosława 1888
Ciszek (since1922) Walenty 1890 та Marianna 1900, одна з доньок називалася Janina
Kollatorowicz (since1923) Jósef 1867 та Janina 1897
Bujak (since1923) Jósef 1900, Jósefa 1904
Drżewiecki (since1924) Aleksander 1892-1967 and his wife Stefania Bekus 1900-1982, their children: Helena (lived 4 years), Kazimiera (lived 3 years), Stanisław (died after birth), Maria 1935
Kołaczek (since1924), приїхали з міста Коньське (Польща) Władysław 1885-1955 and his wife Marjanna Fornal 1886-1972,their children: Wacław 1922-1993, Władysław 1924-1992, Irena Cmieła 1927-1999 and another baby eaten by wolves.
Kozyra (since1924) Władysław 1897 та Julianna 1895
Kocyła (since1924) Józef 1872, Marjanna 1880, Hipolit 1909, Janina 1911
Wrżeśniak (since1926) Piotr 1874, Jósefa 1908, Zofia 1911
Karasiewicz (since1927) Konstanty 1900
Bekus (since1929) Bronisława 1914 (sister of Stefanii Drżewieckiej)
Wydra (since1932) Antoni 1905
Bassara (since1933), came from Rzeszów Jan (1871-1938) and his wife Maria Zakrzewska 1882, their children: Ludwik 1910, Edward 1912, Jozef, Franciszek, Katarzyna, Zofia, Stanisław, Stanisława and Tadeusz.
Kraszewski (since1933) Jan 1910
Wilczyński (since1936) Jan 1909, Janina 1909
Thanks for some information Mrs. W. Skrzypczak and Mr. C. Bassara