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Церква в селі Машів, Волинська область, Волинь Cerkiew prawosłąwna we wsi Maszów na Wołyniu Volynien ortodox church history genealogy

In 1959, an expedition began in the Volyn region, aimed to collect information about the objects of history and architecture for their inclusion to the number of regional monuments.

Альбом зі старими фотографіями пам'яток архітектури Волинської області Stary album do zdjęć old photo album

Such expeditions were organized by various regions of Ukraine, research and project sectors of the republican special probing and restoration workshops under the State Committee for Construction of the USSR. Members of the Volyn team have visited many old churches, palaces and other buildings in almost a hundred settlements over the years. Hundreds of photos were taken showing the state of the architecture at the time of the expedition.

Despite good intentions, some of the temples depicted in the photo were soon blown up and dismantled. Nowadays, the collection of these photos is the last of the interesting places that survived two World Wars, but did not survive the Soviet vision...

We add a list of places including the photos and a map for your convenience. Stay tuned for new posts on this project.

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Volyn oblast, Ukraine

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